Monday, March 31, 2008

Month One

Baby Z just hit the one month mark. This is what my March has looked like:

Times feeding baby Z: approximately 250
Books read: 10

And that's just about it.


BertvU said...

Sounds like a great month to me! I wish I could say the same thing about the books. Speaking of which, you don't happen to have Cien Anos de Soledad in your library do you? Or other suggestions for when I get out there? This summer, I'm going to be a "for pleasure" reading fiend.

Belle said...

Yeah, I have it in English. I've never read it though. And you should read the Supreme Court book by Jeffrey Toobin. Sarah has a copy.

BertvU said...

I need to find it in Spanish. I'll have to ask my teacher to help me find it. Then maybe I can read it in English and Spanish concurrently and see if I like the translation. But I'll definitely read the supreme court one.