Sunday, November 14, 2010

Conversation with a 2 1/2 Year Old

Me: Oh, you're my little baby. You're always going to be my baby!

Z: I'm not a baby! I'm a boy.

Me: Ok, you're my little boy. You'll always be my little boy. But, you're growing up too fast! Pretty soon, you'll be going to kindergarten.

Z: And I'll read Harry Potter!
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thoughts on the first day of winter

1. 6-10 inches?!? What the? They said a dusting. This is not a dusting.
2. Where's that boot? How can it already be missing?
3. Why didn't we clean out the garage earlier? And get the sand toys put away?
4. San Diego is sounding really nice about now.

I just read that snow is falling at a rate of 1 inch per hour in my town. My neighbor just called to ask for help with a stuck car. I guess I won't be driving to dance rehearsal today.

Thursday was Veteran's Day. I got the day off of work. It was a beautiful day, probably up to 55 degrees. I walked around our lake and was surprised that there were still a few leaves hanging on. I hate the feeling of walking off a cliff.

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