Thursday, October 22, 2009

Shudder Inducing Words

Grovel: to lie or creep with the body prostrate in token of subservience or abasement; to abase oneself

Conventional a: according with, sanctioned by, or based on convention; b lacking originality or individuality, trite; c: ordinary, commonplace

Thinking about them puts my stomach in knots.


Mad Hadder said...

I would never think of you in terms of either of those words! Ever. How's the imaginary friend doing at Farkel?

andalucy said...

Heavens! What made you think of those words in the first place?

Brooke said...

Is it considered conformist in Minnesota to grovel? Rest assured, you are one of the least conformist people I know . . . (and grovel? Always sounds like gravel to me, as in "I groveled on the gravel, and it made my knees hurt").

Belle said...

Thanks Mad Hadder! That's a nice boost coming from you. Imaginary friend never seems to be able to beat T in Farkel. Funny how that works. But, one game I played with him, he rolled a 6 of a kind on his very first turn. Amazing.

Groveling. I saw a college roommate this summer and subsequently spent some time remembering and reanalyzing a particularly painful relationship and the unfortunate ways I acted. When the word groveling jumped into mind, I felt sick, because it described quite well how I acted on occasion.

Conventional. I feel like my exterior life has turned into Conventional Mormon Exhibit A. Suburbs. Mini-van. Stay at home mom. I know there's a lot more to "conventional" that this, but I am feeling a little caged in right now.

And Brooke, I hope there's no place where it's conformist to grovel! I hope everyone is feeling better in your neck of the woods.

Mad Hadder said...

T or imaginary friend????

Belle said...

Ha! I like the idea of imaginary friend rolling a six of a kind! Too bad I don't play with imaginary friends.

Malsy (THE Moe of DMOE) said...

Conventional tends to slap me in the face too often. Dishes and laundry are always there and I feel dumber with every passing hour. I really have to strive to feel like I am making a difference and not losing my mind.

I don't think I would ever, ever see the GROVEL-ing side of you though! But I know what it is like to look at some boneheaded things in the past and ask WHY???!!!

Empathizing, honey!

Belle said...

Thanks Malsy. I'm feeling a lot better now, but I need to find something else to do. I'm back to looking for a job. Do you ever think you'll go back to work?