Thursday, October 15, 2009

Gail Collins in Person

On Tuesday, I was listening to our public radio station and heard that Gail Collins was coming to town and that Kerri Miller would be interviewing her in a live forum about her new book. I literally ran to the phone to get tickets.

#1 reason to go--The topic and the author: Collins is a NYTimes Op Ed columnist and has written several books, including America's Women, which I read a couple of years ago and really liked (a perfect birthday present from AJ). Her new book is about the women's movement and all that has happened since 1960--When Everything Changed.

#2 reason to go--Kerri Miller. She is the host of a two hour MPR program and is engaging and great to listen to. In all the different places we've lived, I've listened to lots of different local public radio hosts and she is one of the best. She beats Marty Moss-Coane, hands down. Her voice is so familiar, it was a bit surreal to see her as she was speaking.

#3 reason to go--I could leave the house and all domestic responsibilities to AJ. I needed to leave.

#4 reason to go--Gail Collins could sign her book. I'm not a big one for collecting autographs, and I thought I would just wait to get her book from the library, but she was so engaging, so interesting, so fun to listen to that I plunked down my $30.12 on the spot to buy the book from a local independent book seller that was on site, and then stood in line to chat with her and get her to sign my book. And darn it if I didn't forget my copy of America's Women.


andalucy said...

Wish I could have gone with!!!

Belle said...

Lucy, I keep thinking you'd be a great candidate for Kerri's book club. (Membership drive just started!)

andalucy said...

I've thought about it. Are there people in the book club from so far away, though?

Belle said...

Lucy, I don't know much about the book club. It sounds like there are some online things, but she has been talking on air about the gathering they recently had with Louise Erdrich and lots of good food. So, maybe it wouldn't really work. I like the idea of getting 6-7 surprise books in the mail.