Sunday, April 06, 2008

To Nurture

Susan W. Tanner from this morning's session of General Conference.

"To nuture is to teach, to foster development, to promote growth, to feed, and to nourish...The scriptures use the word nurture only twice and in both cases speak of the responsibility of parents to raise their children "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." President Hinckley also admonished both men and women to be nurturers.

This seems to be quite different from "Another word for nurturing is homemaking."

And I love how she clearly states that men and women should both be nurturers.

One small issue I had with her talk. I didn't like how she implies that the innate gift to nurture comes solely by virture of having XX chromosomes.


andalucy said...

I also liked what she said. I thought of you.

sarahjane said...

Ok, this short article (below) is NOT remotely connected to the current post, but I'm not super blog savvy. As a critically thinking, intellectual woman who also happens to be a mother, I was curious what you think...

-Sarah V.