Saturday, April 12, 2008

Self Improvement Books, Part 2

In thinking about reading these books, I figured out another reason why I constantly postpone picking how-to-be-better-books up and getting into them. Reading for me is a way to leave my regular, mostly hum-drum life behind. But, when I read books that very specifically and conscientiously require me to self reflect and think about my own life, it turns the whole experience into something very different.

I've started two of them.

The first: Square Foot Gardening. There was way too much information in there. I decided to talk to the woman I know who did this last year for the very basics and forget about reading much more of the book.

The second: Parenting book. Well. I am very depressed about my parenting. And overwhelmed. It seems like a lot of what I do is Bad Parenting Behavior. I might have to set this one aside for a while and only pick it up occasionally and then only work on very small steps at any one given time.

And that's another problem. I can't handle doing all these personal and family self improvement plans simultaneously. This was just plain a bad idea.

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