Monday, November 23, 2009

Halfway to 70

Yesterday was my beloved's bday.

We celebrated by:

Going to church from 10-12. Thank you, stake conference!

Playing Ticket to Ride while baby Z took a nap.

Sharing dinner with dear friends, which included honest and invigorating conversation.

Eating German Chocolate Inside Out Cake. Yum! Rich. Divine.

Opening presents. The best, by far, was T's present to his dad. He picked out some awesome fabric and together, we made pajama pants. He was so proud. He marched through the fabric store, telling anyone who would listen, "I'm making pajama pants for my dad for his birthday!" And he was thrilled that he dad would never be able to quietly sneak by him in the night. Those pants are exciting!


Mad Hadder said...

Well Happy Birthday!!! Awesome threads! I even saw in Jerry's email a 5 day birthday warning for Andy and spaced it out. Not sure how that ended up in his email.

Brooke said...

Definitely the best pants I've seen in a long, long time. Good work!

andalucy said...

Darn, I'm halfway to 71 now.

Those pants are phenomenal.

Becca said...

The Burninator!