Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Beautiful Place

Piazza Bellezza was originally conceived as just a fun spin on my birth name. I translated it very literally as Bellessa Plaza.

A while, though, after I started blogging, I told a friend the title of my blog and he said, "Oh, the beautiful place?"

I have thought about that on and off and really like the implications of that name. Lots of times, I feel like I am not in a situated place in my life--like I'm more in day-to-day mode and that I have coping strategies to make it through, but that I'm not in a place when I can really use my talents very effectively.

The Beautiful Place has come to represent a metaphysical state of mind for me--a place where I feel like I belong. Don't get me wrong--a lot of times, I feel very comfortable and content with what I'm doing. But, it doesn't often feel 100% settled.

Maybe it never will.

I am a little blue today. Maybe more on that later.


andalucy said...

I always thought you'd meant it to be 'beautiful place' as well as a play on your name. I guess you weren't quite as clever as I thought, lol. ;-)

I love this post. I like the idea of that beautiful place, too.

Belle said...

Yeah, I'm way too literal. It always takes me a while to get any nuanced meaning!