Sunday, August 05, 2007

My HP7 Predictions, Deconstructed

1. My first theory was about Regulus Black. It turns out that RAB WAS Regulus (but I think everyone figured that one out.) Where I went completely wrong was in assuming that Harry, Ron, and Hermione would need help from a powerful and experienced adult wizard or witch to accomplish the task of finding and destroying the Horcruxes. Although they do receive some help at times, they certainly step up to the job quite ably.

2. I also thought Godric's Hollow would be the location for one of the Horcruxes. Again, I am sadly (but happily) mistaken. All that Harry and Hermione find there is Harry's parents' graves and old home and the creepy Bathilda/Nagini combo.

3. My third theory was also WRONG. We didn't find a single extra thing out about James Potter's family. But, instead we get the whole painful and sad Lily/Snape story. One of my favorite lines in the book was when Snape died, and he says to Harry "Look---at---me." He just wanted to see Lily's eyes as he was dying.

4. DEATHS: Ok, I finally got some right here. Snape was good, and did redeem himself, although his death was not voluntary. (But, again, I think most people thought this would be Snape's redemption story.) Snape, Voldemort, and Fred died, but I was happy that Percy reconciled with his family before Fred's death, unlike my prediction. Neville did find his his wizarding feet, but didn't kill Bellatrix. Mrs Weasley got that pleasure. But Neville was instrumental in eliminating Voldemort's last final link to mortality by slaying Nagini. What I didn't foresee at all was Hedwig and Dobby's deaths. So sad! I did love the scene of Harry digging Dobby's grave and coming into his own as a leader of the quest.

5. And of course, Harry and Ginny and Ron and Hermione end up happily married, sending their own kids off to Hogwarts.

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