Thursday, February 02, 2012

Favorite Things About My Town

We moved to Eden Prairie in 2006, so come June, we will have 6 years here. Amazing. I don't think we thought we'd live here that long, and I started to feel really claustrophobic around year 4 1/2 when I realized we had been here longer than any other place we had lived. And to top it off, I liked it less than any other place we lived.

There are many things I love about Minnesota, and Eden Prairie. I am going to write about them to remind myself of what's wonderful (even if I don't think the whole package is perfect).

Number one over and over is Staring Lake, only a couple of miles from our house. It has a path circumnavigating the lake which trails through dense foliage and tall trees. There is a little outdoor center which offers kids' classes and family activities, and it has a telescope. There is a great park which the kids love and an amphitheater for summer music and drama. We are there during all seasons.

Because the winter has been so mild, we have been more often than other winters. T got to try out his new rollerblades right after Christmas. I took the kids there on a Sunday afternoon when AJ was gone and we walked around the lake and onto the frozen lake to slide around and look at animal prints.

Last week, I worked from home rather than deal with the traffic snarl-ups during a snow storm. At the end of my work day, I hustled over to the lake so I could get a walk in before picking up the kids. It was gorgeous. I was alone on the trail for virtually the entire time, with only the sound of snow crunching and an occasional bird call. There is something so soothing to me about walking around the lake.


Margo said...

Sounds like a wonderful lake! I feel claustrophobic at about year 2, so I'm impressed.

Maryanne said...

I'm finding it really helpful to make a similar list about IC. The lake sounds great. We'll have to come up and visit some time!

Belle said...

Margo, are you ready to leave Australia yet? (And do you know how much longer you'll be there?)

Maryanne, we would love for you to come and visit! I know Chicago is closer, but if you want to come to the temple in MN, we could entertain the kids.

Jen said...

Beautiful photo! I can relate to your feelings in many ways. We have also been in DC for six years. Last year I started getting very antsy, almost desperate, to leave....even though things were fine. I'm trying to make some changes in my life so I will be happy here for the case we do end up staying. It is a wonderful place, the kids are thriving, I don't know what my problem is sometimes!

Jen said...

BTW - Glad you will be writing more....even though I completely understand about fitting in blogging after a long day!