Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sorrows and Joys

Last week, one of my dearest friends, a brilliant, amazing, young, 33-year-old with no children had a hysterectomy. Every time I think or talk about it, a lump rises in my throat and tears well up in my eyes.

This week, my sister and her husband are meeting their newborn son, born last night, whom they are adopting. Our family couldn't be more happy for them.

The counter-position of these two events is dizzying.


Jen said...

I thought of you guys when I saw the weather headline yesterday. I hope you still have a little autumn weather waiting for you after this storm, however unlikely.

Jen said...

I thought of you guys when I saw the weather headline yesterday. I hope you still have a little autumn weather waiting for you after this storm, however unlikely.