Sunday, March 07, 2010

New Normal

(I'm shamelessly stealing the title from Jen.)

It's been two weeks since I started working, and we are settling into a routine. Things have been more crazy than they will be in the future (I hope) because AJ is traveling a lot right now, we have several home projects at various stages of completion, and we had family in town for a long weekend. I am hoping that after this next week, we will be at a new normal.

I love my new job, the kids are doing great, the commute has been ok, and all in all, it feels like something we can manage. Yippee! I've been reflecting on the path that got me here, and I feel blessed and grateful. This is a good place for us.

Things that I'm not doing as much of as before:

Reading (sniff, sniff)
Wasting time on the computer

And of course, the obvious, I'm not spending as much time with my kids, but, also, very happily, I'm not yelling at my kids as much.

It has been a very good two weeks.


Mad Hadder said...

Is this secret Spy v. Spy stuff or can you tell me what you're doing????

Margo said...

I'm excited for the update. Surely things will settle in a bit just for something else to mess it up, right??

Belle said...

Hey Mad Hadder--I guess you haven't seen my responses to your question before? Nothing top secret is going on--I'm working at the state dept of education as a quantitative analyst for the special ed policy division. It's a lot of numbers and reports.

Margo--AJ is in the middle interviewing for a job that would be exciting and cool for him, but would require a lot of travel. I don't want that to become a new normal. I prefer having him here to help with everything. So fingers crossed that that doesn't mess everything up!

andalucy said...

I'm glad to hear it's going well. I told G and L what you are doing and they had all kinds of questions. It ended up sparking a very positive discussion about pursuing your dreams. I'll have to tell you about it in more detail over the phone.

Belle said...

Yes, Lucy, it would be great to hear what you talked about. I really miss your girls and their spark. I still feel a little uneasy being open about my working with ward members--we haven't kept it a secret, but it's not like I've been going out of my way to tell people either. It feels a little weird to me that something I've grown up thinking is BAD and WRONG right now feels so fulfilling and makes me so happy. (And then, it seems silly that I should even think that.)

Ed said...

Congrats on your "New Normal." I can sorta sympathize with the loss of reading time. When I got switched back to working nights, it meant I had to drive to work instead of using public transportation. Which meant I lost those precious two hours of reading time. We're still trying to find that routine, but it's a good change, I think.

Jen said...

Yay! I'm so glad the transition is going well! You are giving me hope that I can soon feel comfortable moving to full time.

I do feel that the loss of time with the kids is made up in quality. I am much more focused with them because I know my time is a little more limited.

My ultimate goal is for Asher to refer to the kitchen and office in our home communally rather than as "Mom's kitchen" and "Papi's office" which I have heard him do on occasion and sends me into fits of hyperventilation.

When I talk about work with SAHM church friends, I get a lot of silence. I'm not sure where that comes from....whether it is disapproval or I just don't have much to say about that or what, do you think you are too good to stay home and raise your children? My best guess.....based on the area we live in and people I that they think we have suffered some kind of economic hardship that has forced me back to work and they are sad or embarrassed for me. But that is pure conjecture.