Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Lost Season Three Highlights and Predictions

Before I watch the Lost season finale, I wanted to document my theories on what will happen tonight.

We will find out that Juliet is not a traitor to the Losties, only to Ben and the others. She will not backstab Jack. But, she will be killed tonight (I really hope not!) by Ben or another Other.

I know that there will be a few more casualities tonight. And I'm not sure who. But, these are my guesses: Charlie, Richard (we will find out that although he doesn't age, he can be killed), and Naomi.

And, I was inspired reading someone else's list of the top Lost moments of this season. So, here are mine (and I"m sure I will add some more after tonight's episode.)

  • Seeing John Locke's father on the island, taken captive by the others. "Dad??"
  • The opening scene from the season premier. Juliet getting ready for the book group, and then the plane crash. Realizing that the Others lived in some weird kind of suburban spin off.
  • And Juliet and her whole backstory in Not in Portland. Watching her husband Edmund getting hit by the bus! So freaky. My second favorite episode of the season.
  • John Locke getting pushed from the window, falling 9 stories, and landing on his back. John Locke getting shot in the chest and falling backwards in the open pit Dharma graves. (How's this for a crazy theory: John Locke lives after getting shot by Ben. How? The bullet enters his body right where his kidney was. If his kidney had been there, he would have died. He owes his life to his conniving father??)
  • Sawyer killing Cooper. Wow--that was an intense scene.
  • John Locke meeting Jacob me. "Help me..."
  • And my favorite episode of the season so far: Flashes Before Your Eyes where we find out what happened to Desmond when we turned the fail safe key in the hatch, where we meet that crazy lady Mrs Hawking, and when we see a flashback that isn't a flasback. Brilliant.


Ok, now I've watched it. We had friends over on Wednesday night and ate sushi and bananas foster from the grill and watched it. When the rattlesnake jumped out of the mailbox in the final scene, we went back and watched all the flashbacks, which we now found out were flash forwards. (When we saw the funeral home, Andy immediately started anagramming it. Hoffs Drawlar. Too bad he didn't figure it out: Flash Forward!)

I woke up the next morning with Lost on the brain, thinking through all the scenes, trying to figure out who was in the coffin. And I spent quite a bit of time on my favorite Lost analysis sites trying to piece at least a little bit together of what happened.

The episode was phenomenal. Brilliant. Amazing. I love Lost. I am thinking that we need to get the DVDS and start from the beginning this summer. I mean, we have 8 freaking months until it's on again.

My favorite parts from the finale:

Hurley barreling down the hill in Roger Workman's Dharma van to topple the Others who were holding Jin, Sayid, and Bernard captive. Sayid tripping one of the thier captors with his feet, and then breaking his neck, with his feet!

Seeing a transmission from Penny in the Looking Glass. I so wanted Desmond to see her.

What do I make of Jack's references to his dad being alive? When we know that his dad was dead in the pilot episode? Hmm. Is jack in some kind of parallel universe? Has Desmond changed time and space each time he has intervened with fate to save Charlie?

And Charlie! Oh, that final scene with Charlie was amazing. Him floating back into murky waters. What a great scene!

And the whole contrast between jack and charlie is fascinating. Charlie, the former heroin addict, now a true hero. He knew that drowning was his destiny and he was totally at peace with it. He may have been able to escape, but he sacrificed himself for the good of the Losties. I feel like he found his true self and that it's all right for him to die. And it's my theory that all the losties have to do that on the island. But, then there's "future"-Jack. Now a druggie. Totally bitter. and a supposed hero. but not really. And still totally lost.

The night watching the finale, I was convinced that Jack's flash forward was a potential future, but not the only one. I don't want to believe that that's how Jack is going to end up. He can't. Such a ugly future.

Andy kept calling Mikhail a cyborg. I wonder if he blew himself up with the grenade or is he still alive somewhere out there. So freaking crazy.

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