Friday, November 07, 2008

The Mystery of the Invisible Censor

My mom's extended family has a MyFamily website that we use to share recipes, good news, and the normal cute pictures of kids. It's a good way to keep better in touch with family that I rarely see.

On Tuesday night, after the election, one of my aunts put up a tidbit in the news section entitled "The Big Move" and then said, "K (her husband) is singing O Canada tonight." (To which I thought, are you going to escape the socialism that is supposedly coming to America by going to Canada???) One of my cousins replied to that, saying "We are going to stay here, just moving everything else offshore... What a mess."

I thought of some snide remarks that I could have made. But, I didn't say anything until later on Wednesday. I posted what I thought was non-confrontational, and understanding of the fact that this family is deeply conservative and Republican.

I know most of you probably disagree with Obama's politics, but does
anyone find any inspiration in his personal story, in the historic nature of a
black man becoming president, and in his message of unity and hope?

Not many people responded (which I guess I take to mean that no, they didn't find any inspiration in the campaign, that their disagreement and fear (and it is fear, I think, for at least some of them) of his politics overrode the other issues. So, whatever.

But, when I returned to the site later in the day, someone had changed my last phrase to read "and in his message of unity, hope, and socialism." And there was no attribution or signal as to who had changed it. It was as if these were the original words from my mouth. Now, we can have a conversation about the boogey-man that socialism has become in this election season, or about why a large proportion of the American electorate despise the idea of socialism (even though our country is far from a completely free market system). But, I was bugged that someone would rewrite my words and misrepresent me. So, I immediately wrote to protest. Something to the effect of "who did this? This isn't what I wrote." And I got a couple of responses, but no one admitted anything.

Then, later that night, I checked back, and the whole thread discussing the mysterious changing of my words has been deleted. As if it had never happened. Seriously? Censorship?

I put up another post acting like the whole thing was a joke, ha ha, tell us who's doing this, but now, two days later, no one will admit to a thing.

Was the change in my original post supposed to not be noticed by me? And then when I caught it, no one would take responsibility for it? If it was a joke, I find it hard to believe no one has owned up to it yet. I am bugged that someone who thinks Obama is a socialist wouldn't just come out and own that idea, but rather would just blame it on me.

Unfortunately, the administrator power of the website is dispersed across the 11 children in the family, and spouses and children probably also have some access to editing and deleting power. I looked at the time log of when people saw the post, but haven't been able to figure anything definitive out.

So, should I let it drop? Should I make one more passing comment on the thread? I find this really strange...


Ryan said...

M and I saw it and laughed! I encouraged M to post something in your and Obama's defense, but she didn't want to get into it. I can't get into it because I am a lowly in-law.

I like Obama's Chief of Staff pick; it should dispell the oft-touted idea that Obama is an appeaser. You can't be a middle-east appeaser when you select a pro-isreal Jewish man to be your no. 1 aide.

Melanie said...

I don't get into it because I don't like confrontation. This is one of my biggest pet peeves: people who are so far right or so far left that they can't admit that anything from the other side is good. I'm going to go post something now

Belle said...

Mel, THANK YOU for writing something on the family web site. I was a little sad--and a little surprised-- that very few people had much good to say.

I totally agree with you on the polemics of the far left and far right. If you ever think that I get to that point where I can't see anything good on the Republican side, please tell me!!!

Belle said...

PS--Do you have any theories about what may have happened? Do you think I should say or do anything else?

andalucy said...

Weird. I don't know that saying anything else would help. It may have been meant as a joke but not an especially nice or innocent one. Evidently there was enough bad feeling behind it that they can't own up to it being "just a joke."

Melanie said...

I have no theories. It just doesn't make sense. It doesn't seem like any of mom's siblings would have cared that much to change it.