Wednesday, October 15, 2008


All the leaves have fallen off two of the trees in my yard. And another tree is just about totally done too. It happened so fast--we went from trees full of yellow leaves to piles of crunchy leaves on the ground in a matter of a few days. At least we still have some reds and other green left. When I stopped to think about it a couple of days ago, I realized that we have had leaves for only 5 months this year since spring was so late in coming.

A few years ago, we were talking about fall with a friend. And he said that while he loved fall, the threat of winter loomed over him and he couldn't fully enjoy it. I thought that was strange and somewhat silly. But, this is exactly how I feel this year. Summer rushed by. I didn't get sick of the long days of sunshine or the heat. I wasn't ready for the cooler weather. And yet, here it already is. Every time I see the leaves falling, I feel a little depressed.

The thing I like least about living here is the long winter and the bitter cold parts of winter. I made AJ promise that we would never even consider living somewhere colder than here.


Margo said...

I once hated fall for this exact reason... but awhile back I just decided to enjoy it and forget about the upcoming snow. Easier when you don't live in MN!

andalucy said...

There is a place colder than here?!

Becca said...

I am depressed right along with you...although I could probably be diagnosed with Seasonal Affect. I get really down right around this time of year, then perk up for the holidays, then come back down again around early February. Pattern of my life.

Belle said...

This week, we had a cold snap and almost all the rest of my leaves fell off my trees.

Maria, Have you ever tried a full spectrum lamp? I am curious to see what difference it would make.