Friday, October 31, 2008

Dear Minnesota,

I know I've talked bad about you behind your back. That Mother's Day when it still wasn't spring? I was plain mean to you. I hated you--I admit it. And those bitter cold days when all I wanted to do was bury my head in my pillow and cry? I couldn't say enough terrible things about you.

So, I probably don't deserve any gifts from you. But, I sure am glad that Halloween is so perfect. It feels like fall, not winter today. I'm thrilled I don't have to dress my kids in their coats, hats, and gloves like that first Halloween we were here. And I keep hearing about that ghastly Halloween blizzard of '91. But, this day is the best of what fall has to offer. And even though all of the leaves are gone from most of my trees, that stubborn maple in the front has finally turned yellow and is just now dropping its leaves. It feels like maybe winter isn't quite about to turn the corner on me.

Anyway, thanks. I'll try to remember this day when the winter seems like it will never end.

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