Friday, October 31, 2008

Gang of Pirates

Happy Halloween!


Jen said...

Lovely blog! Just went through your archive and caught up. Enjoyed your 9/17 entry on politics. Pretty much reflected my disgust with the RNC and the Palin pick (I thought the mob mentality was disturbing, and the shots at his community organizing racist).

That was probably when my mood was darkest with the campaign because I thought people were going to be dumb enough to fall for Palin and McCain. Fortunately, some people have come around and realized what she was really about.

Anyway, all the best to you and your family.


Belle said...

Hey Ed--Good to see you here!

My feelings during the RNC week were very similar to yours. The convention crowd's reaction to the derisive speeches was appalling. And I was so sick about Palin's popularity and the way it was helping McCain. The thing that helped me make it through that week was The Daily Show's coverage of the RNC convention. We watched all four episodes at the end of the week, and I think it is some of their best work. It made me laugh so hard and a lot of my stomach wrenching dissipate.

Jen said...

Yeah, me and Jen were remarking that we missed the boat on "The Daily Show" in this election cycle, because we generally enjoy that program. I guess just too much other stuff going on and other shows to watch ("Mad Men" and "The Office" to name two).

But I have caught snippets of "The Daily Show" here and there online, and it was highly amusing. The report where they interviewed people in a small town to figure out exactly what "small-town values" are was one of my favorites.

Forgot to mention: thanks for linking to that New Yorker article about Obama in your New Yorker ode. That was FASCINATING to read four years later. It's nice to see he's more or less stayed true to himself all the way through to now.

(Was also stunned to hear he took out a second mortgage to help fund his Senate campaign. Shows you how far he's had to travel, literally and financially. And yet, he's the out-of-touch elitist? Whatever.)

Anyway, be well...


Belle said...


I just sent Jen a few choice Daily Show clips. You may have already seen them, as they are some of the best of the season (in my opinion). In fact, I may have sent the small town values one to you.

I should go back and read the New Yorker article about Obama. I only remember my intrigue and not much of the detail.

Oh, and did you see the NYTimes article comparing seasons 6&7 of West Wing to the current campaign?

Jen said...

Geez, I was wondering how long it would take somebody to make the connection. Must be because they're rerunning those seasons right now on Bravo.

But me and Jen have been saying that for months. The only deviation to me is that McCain has ended up pandering to the base instead of being a so-called maverick. Alan Alda's character was pretty moderate and stayed away from the religious right.

They showed the "In God We Trust" episode last week on Bravo, which features one of my three-four favorite moments in the whole show.

At the end, Vinnick holds an impromptu press conference in front of the White House about some Senate vote and then starts going off on religion and politics. "If you want guidance on religion, go to church!" Fade to black. Brilliant.

But the Santos/Obama analogy has held firm on so many levels. It's pretty freaky, actually.

Send me the link:

And thanks for the Daily Show links!