Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I'm never going to be the best

at "homemaking." No matter what Julie Beck said. I don't like the cleaning. I don't like the neverending chores, the way my kids make messes behind me. I don't like the way that the house is never all cleaned at once. I don't like finding legos, bobby pins, rice kernels, and paper scraps underfoot, and that no one will take responsibility for it, but ooh, I hate having to be the one to either pick it up myself or ask someone else to do it. I don't like my children's resistance to doing even the smallest chore of a mess that they made. I don't like the way that I am the only one who seems to care what the house looks like. I don't like being the taskmaster.

I am thinking about outsourcing some of the drudgery. It was a very bad day today.


Jen said...

AMEN! If we were a little more flush these days, I would totally outsource the cleaning at our house.

Unknown said...

Outsourcing would be the totally responsible thing to do to get our economy moving again. I totally support you in that!

Brooke said...

Ah, yes. What do women really want? Alice from The Brady Bunch.