Saturday, March 31, 2007

2 year old language skills

Language development is one of my favorite stages to observe in my children. Every day, my 2 1/2 year old says things that totally amaze me and that make me laugh out loud. And precious few things make me laugh out loud. I wanted to record a few gems of recent past so that I can remember them.

The other morning, it was early, and T was up. AJ was gone, so I got up with him, and took him down for breakfast. He asked for waffles, and so I put some in the toaster. When I got to cutting them up, I didn't do a good job and was cutting them somewhat haphazardly, leaving the pieces with jagged edges and irregular shapes. He looks at me, on the verge of crying, and said, "This is a disaster!" This is the child who likes everything just so.

That same day, we were at MJ's ballet lessons and he was playing with blocks in the ante-room while I watched her. After a bit, he came running in to tell me, "Mom, you have to come see what I built." I came to see, and he proudly said, "This is my masterpiece!"

He also talking about the duck hatching the eggs. And,while in the tub, he repeatedly told my mom, "For the love of ice." I think that is a direct quote from the Backardigans.

One day, in January, he was waving an empty paper towel tube in front of him at me, and said, "I'm going to use my powers to stop you."

In Feb, we were in the car, and he said, "That's one silly snowman, huh sis?"

I have also been trying to keep in my mind the words that he has mispronounced in memorable ways. I feel sad to see the pronunciations disappear. Here are some of them:

Pocks-ebola: Popsicle. He used this one all last summer. AJ thought it sounded like some tropical disease.
Bagoon: Balloon
Compluter: computer--he still says this
O-gen: orange
girl-o: girl

1 comment:

Seffliva said...

I still believe that the earlier someone starts learning a second language, the faster or more likely it will be for them to master it.

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